
Any business has a lot of moving parts. Meal prep is no different. Your company is taking orders, cooking meals, creating menus, delivering orders, marketing, keeping track of your inventory, and however many other tasks must be juggled to keep this thing afloat. It’s overwhelming, and when things go wrong it’s wasted food, unhappy customers, and lost money. Your going to need to integrate the best meal prep software into your operations.

Here are a few ways you can streamline your business through automation so that you don’t always have so much on your plate.

Meal Prep Business Software 

There are multiple avenues in which you can automate, and simplify, your business using meal prep software. As a matter of fact, the next four items on this list can be utilized through meal prep software and would be far more difficult and time consuming to do manually.

With a program that’s specifically tailored to help you organize your business and set custom standards by which you’d like it operate, you’re cutting out a large portion of the work you need to do every day, and reducing the risk of human error becoming a part of your business’s money-making equation.

Weekly Subscriptions

Instead of taking a new order every week for the same customer, you can set up weekly subscriptions that will keep the client’s meals recurring until they’re ready to make a change. Meal prep ordering subscriptions also give you the option to offer your customers a discount if they’re willing to commit to the service long term. Not only does this streamline your meal prep ordering, it also helps to incorporate your business into your customer’s routines.

Production Reports

Organize your kitchen by breaking down orders with clear and concise production reports. Every report contains the exact quantity of each meal needed for each specific date. This reduces confusion and speeds up production so that your kitchen can work at optimal efficiency.

With your entire menu in your meal prep software’s system, the production reports are created automatically once orders are received, making the process pretty much hands-free for you.

Ingredient Reports


Automatic ingredient reports eliminate under or over-ordering ingredients so that you don’t come up short on your orders, and you never have to worry about food waste. You can store all the ingredient quantities of your entire menu in your meal prep software, and the report updates as orders come in. Print out the list and you know exactly how much of everything you need.

GoPrep can also generate nutrition facts using your ingredients and quantities to be presented on your menu.

Labels and Packing Slips

It’s good to avoid confusion and costly errors by properly labeling all of your meals and inserting a packing slips in every delivery. It’s not just a good idea to let the customer know what they’ve purchased, it’s also an opportunity for branding.

Our meal prep software allows you to automate your labeling and packing slip process. Packing slips are customized with your business’s logo and can include heating instructions, expiration dates, and other messages that your customers will appreciate.

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